dreamin of a white christmas


Monday, January 05, 2004


Let me start with the most obvious in my world...the high on Saturday was about 85 and this morning we are sitting at 24...this year we have to keep summer and winter clothes out year round...it's crazy.

The Lord has blessed us with yet another beautiful morning, as I'm typing this I can see the sun coming over the horizon through my window. The kids are still in bed which allows me just a bit of solitude prior to the daily madness starting. I try my best to ~always~ get up before them...I seem to think the best in the early part of the day...Marc doesn't...he's the opposite of me...of course ;)

I hope you all have a ~Great~ day today and slow down enough to really appreciate some of the simple things in your life...a few that I appreciate in mine this morning, the smell of Marc's coffee brewing, the view of the sun coming up over the horizon, my most comfy, soft lounge pants that are keeping me warm as I type and the ability to take a nice warm shower this morning.

posted by Angie @ 1/05/2004 07:53:33 AM

Angie's Insanity
My Sanity-Do you have it?
Really, I'm looking for it...if you find it, hang on to it for me ;)

Wife to my Very Best Friend & Mom to a **Teenage** son and a 4 year old Daughter.

11 years between the...ahem...darling...children...they both think they are only children.

Strong willed, independent, each one is **ALWAYS RIGHT** so the other is **ALWAYS WRONG** and so on...no wonder I'm looking for my mind half the time!

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